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Food Security Analysis Unit (FSAU) - Somalia

FAO Documents

UNDP Somalia Publications

Documents available on line (Note: To download files: right click and select "Save Target As...")

 Banana Sector Study, Lower Shabelle - EC/2003

 Feasibility Report on the Fisheries Sector in Puntland - UNDP/2005 (To retrieve this document please contact the JNA Doc/Data focal point: [email protected] )

 Support to Employment Promotion in Somalia - EC/2004

 Towards a Livestock Sector Strategy - WB/FAO/EU/2004

 Livestock Exports Data - Berbera (FSAU)

 Livestock Exports Data - Bossasso (FSAU)

 Maize Production and Harvest (FSAU)

 Sorghum Production and Harvest (FSAU)

 Private Sector Response to the Absence of Government Institutions in Somalia - Nenova/WB 2004

 Community-based Animal Health Care in Somali Areas of Africa - Catley 1999

 Supporting Local Seed Systems in Southern Somalia - Longley/ODI 2001

 Feasibility Report on the Fisheries Sector in Somaliland: Current Status,Opportunities and Constraints - UNDP Somalia 2005 (To retrieve this document please contact the JNA Doc/Data focal point: [email protected] )

 Feasibility Report on the Fisheries Sector in South and Central Somalia: Current Status,Opportunities and Constraints - UNDP Somalia 2005 (To retrieve this document please contact the JNA Doc/Data focal point: [email protected] )

 Emerging Opportunities for the Development of the Processing and Manufacturing Industry in Somaliland– Bertolli/UNDP Somalia 2000(To retrieve this document please contact the JNA Doc/Data focal point: [email protected] )

 Emerging Opportunities for the Development of the Processing and Manufacturing Industry in Puntland– Bertolli/UNDP Somalia 2000(To retrieve this document please contact the JNA Doc/Data focal point: [email protected] )

 Regulating the Livestock Economy of Somaliland - Gani/APD 2002

 Feasibility Report on the Fisheries Sector in Puntland – UNDP Somalia 2005

 External Actors in Stateless Somalia - Grosse-Kettler/BICC 2004

 High-Level Dialogue with the Somali Business Community - UNDP Somalia, Republic of Djibouti 2004

 Public Policy for the Private Sector - Nenova and Harford/WB

 Somalia Development Aid: Way Forward - M. Hashi/2005

 Analysis of the Socio-Economic Drivers behind the Charcoal Trade in Somalia - Linkenback/2001

 The Plight of the Agro-Pastoral Society of Somalia Mukhtar, Mohamed Haji 1996


 Charcoal making in Somalia: A look the bay method - Robinson/FAO

 Map of Agricultural Land Use and Natural Resources of Somalia(To retrieve this document please contact the JNA Doc/Data focal point: [email protected] )

 Progress Report from the Productive Sectors and Environment Cluster

 Productive Sectors And Environment Cluster: Summary Of Meeting On Preliminary Conclusions Of Cluster Field Visit

 Progress Report Presentation to SACB – G. McCarthy 2006

 European Commission Delegation Comments and Recommendations to the Progress Report From the Joint Needs Assessment Productive Sectors and Environment - March 2006

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